
Showing posts from November, 2018

Soil Types Of Myanmar

DownLink _ Mediafire_ Soil Map DownLink _ Mediafire_Soil_Info Wai Toee 23 November at 01:46 Edited... Grids, shapefile and Soil info are available now 😁 ျα€™α€”္α€™ာႏိုင္ငံα€›ဲα‚• Soil Types Map ပါ α€€ိုα€š္α€žံုးα€–ိုα‚”α€œုပ္ရင္း α€œိုထပ္တဲ့α€žူα€™်ားα€žံုးႏိုင္ေထာင္ α€™်ွေα€α€œိုα€€္ပါα€žα€Š္ Original source α€€ေတာ့ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ကပါ ျα€™α€”္α€™ာႏိုင္ငံထတြα€€္ေတာα‚” ထဆင္α€žα€„့္α€…ားα€–ိုα‚”α€›α€”္ ဇြα€”္းတပ္ေပးထားပါα€α€š္ 😜 Soil type α€”ာα€™α€Š္တူေနတာα€€ေတာ့ Dominant Soil α€€ိုပဲ α€šူထားα€œို႔ပါ General name တူေα€•α€™α€š့္ Composition α€€ြဲပါα€α€š္ Thanks to Original Uploader  -

LAMBERT PROJECTION ႏွင့္ UTM (Universla Transverse Mercator)

LAMBERT PROJECTION ႏွင့္ UTM (Universla Transverse Mercator) LAMBERT PROJECTION (Lambert Conical Orthomorphic) ႏွင့္ UTM (Universla Transverse Mercator) ေျမပုံထရိပ္ခ်ျခင္းဆိုင္α€›ာα€…ာတမ္း Total page (55) File size (9.26) MB download link Special Thanks Khin Zaw Hein

တုိင္းႏွင့္ ျα€•α€Š္α€”α€š္ေျမပုံα€™်ား

Ka Chin (10.6) MB Download Link Ka Yar  (11.34) MB Download Link Chin (10.93) MB Download Link Shan (10.56) MB Download Link Sa Gaing (10.46) MB Download Link Ma Gway (10.4) MB Download Link Ka Yin (9.73) MB Download Link Man Da Lay (9.28) MB Download Link Yan Gon (8.97) MB Download Link Ba Go (7.76) MB Download Link Ra Khine (7.7) MB Download Link Aye Yar Waddy (7.03) MB Download Link Tanintharyi (6.78) MB Download Link Mon (28.06) MB  Download Link Android α€–ုα€”္းα€™ွာ install α€œုပ္α€œို႔ရတဲ့ ဒဂုံα€˜ူα€™ိ Apk α€–ိုင္α€€ို α€’ီα€œα€„့္ α€€ေနတစ္ဆင့္ ၀င္ေα€›ာα€€္ေα€’ါင္းα€šူႏုိင္ပါα€α€š္။ Thanks Ko Khin Zaw Hein